Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Painting the New Jersey skyline

This week sadly is the last week in Joe Peller's plein aire class. Today we wound down to Christopher Street to the piers that jut out into the Hudson. It's a part of the great expanse known as Hudson River Park. One of the piers has been totally planted over and sports a soccer field complete with grass and two clumps of trees.

I don't know the clock tower that we saw in the distance but it made for an intriguing subject. In the morning, after sketching, I tried out my new palette of ultra. blue, quin. red, and trans. yellow. 


In the afternoon, I tried the same scene in different lighting and substituted cad. red for the quin. red.


What a difference a few hours make. Tomorrow we'll be going to Battery Park with the Statue of Liberty views. 

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