Friday, May 17, 2013

This week's painting in progress

I've lately been inspired by the great models posing in Joe Peller's evening painting class. The model this week has a Polynesian flair. She seems to enjoy posing for the class too. She's definitely getting into all the free wine available at our end of the year class parties. A happy model makes for a good painting, I always think.

Next month Joe will be holding an outdoor painting class in Central Park and I was lucky enough to get in! His classes are always crowded so this should be good.

I could kick myself though, I chose a 9x12 canvas and its way too small. I'm having to use Barbie brushes for the face. The face is about the size of my thumb. I'll have to buy Barbie brushes to finish it.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Wonderful painting. I had no idea when I first looked that it was that small! It has the feel of a larger painting. I especially liked hearing about the environment and 'the story behind the painting.' Gives a glimpse into the artist's world. Congratulations for getting into the outdoor class in the park! Sounds like fun and a lovely opportunity. Hope to see this one again after the Barbie brushes are in hand.